Backgammon: Dealing with Dice Rolls

The strategy in backgammon is not as complex as in a game of chess but the element of the dice adds a new dimension of tactics. Even more strategies are cooked up with the addition of the doubling cube. In the following paragraphs, you will read on how to deal with the dice roll results to your advantage. These suggestions are employed at the start or early part of the game.

As a review, the game uses two dice. You are to use both dice result even if doing one of the moves is not advantageous to you. That is the rule. There are also cases wherein you only got one legal move - this is when you can only use one of the dice result because of blockage.

Let us start with a dice result of six and five. With such result you will choose any of those checkers you have furthest from home. You are free to choose any of those checkers without any grave consequence. If the roll turns out to be six and four, you have three good ways of dealing the dice roll. One is to use all 14 moves on one checker far away from home. Two, use it to move a checker to rest on point two. And three move the checker from point 24 down to 18, sending an opponents checker to the bar, and move checker in point 13 down to 9.

With a dice roll of six and three, you can use all your 10 moves on moving the checker on point 24. If you have a six and a two, use all eight moves on any checker without being hit by the opponent checker later on. If you get a six and one, use the move to your checker nearest the bar.

If your roll a five and four, you can do one of two things: move checker from point 24 to 20 and from point 13 to 8 or move two checkers from point 13 to points 8 and 9. If the result is a five and three, use the three moves to home one checker on point 3. For the five moves, use it to move any checker as long as it does not get a hit during the next turn.

When the roll results to five and two, there are two options again for you to choose from. One is to move checker on point 24 down to point 22 and the one checker in 13 down to 8. Two is to move two checkers from 13 down to points 11 and 9. For a five and one result, move checker on point 24 down to point 23 and a checker from point 13 to 8.

So now you know how to deal with dice results. Memorize how to deal with both a six and five or a five and four and many other roll combinations. That way you will be gaining against your opponent in no time. Remember that in any move you make, be sure that the move does not allow you to be hit on the next turn.
